Exterior Cleaning & Environmental Responsibility

“Greenwashing” happens everywhere. But it’s particularly prominent in the exterior cleaning industry. If you are gearing up for a pressure washing service in Williamsburg, how do you know it’s an environmentally responsible one?

There are a few simple tips that will help you know you’re getting the real deal. And once you have an expert you can trust, you’re set for the long haul!

4 questions to ask your environmentally responsible exterior cleaning company

Before committing to a pressure washing service for your Williamsburg property, begin by asking your potential contractor a few questions. This will help you know whether you’re getting environmentally responsible service from a company you can trust.

  1. What kind of cleaning products do you use? You want to hear “chemical-free.” You want to hear “biodegradable.” And you want to hear “people, plant, pet, and planet-friendly.”
  2. Do you guarantee your work? You want to hear “yes.” If the answer is “no,” then you’re setting yourself up for a disappointing service.
  3. Do you offer wastewater reclamation? You want to hear “yes.” For commercial services, this is an important tool to ensure environmental responsibility.
  4. Do you have client testimonials? You want to hear “yes.” Your Williamsburg pressure washing company should have a large community of satisfied clients they can tap into.

Envirowash is proud to serve Williamsburg and the surrounding region with top quality exterior cleaning services that are environmentally responsible and effective. Get exceptional solutions you can rely on from our team!